Ivana Kobilca: Children on the meadow, 1892. (Choice of painting is strictly symbolic.) Foto: Narodna galerija
Ivana Kobilca: Children on the meadow, 1892. (Choice of painting is strictly symbolic.) Foto: Narodna galerija

Slovenia's high representative for succession, Ana Polak Petrič, handed a list of artefacts, part of Slovenia's movable cultural heritage, to Serbia's ambassador to Slovenia, Aleksandar Radovanović. The artefacts are located in the former federal institutions of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia in Serbia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that Slovenia started preparing a list of its cultural heritage at the initiative of high representative Polak Petrič, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Slovenian National Gallery. The ministry says that in accordance with the agreement on the succession to Yugoslavia, the heritage in question should be handed over to Slovenia.

The list, based on available sources, includes the paintings of Ivana Kobilca, Rihard Jakopič, Matej Sternen, Matija Jama and Ivan Grohar. It also includes artefacts from the postal, rail and military museums.

Handing the request Polak Petričeva said they still reserve the right to amend the list, based on any later findings. She also proposed that art experts from Slovenia and Serbia meet as soon as possible to make a note of the current situation and discuss the handing over of the artwork.

A. K.; translated by K. J.