Among the parties participating in the election campaign, the SDS party currently has the most support. Foto: BoBo
Among the parties participating in the election campaign, the SDS party currently has the most support. Foto: BoBo

Among all 1,123 respondents who participated in the survey, the largest share, 15 percent, would vote for the SDS party if parliamentary elections were tomorrow.

The party of Marjan Šarec remains in second place at 10 percent. Social Democrats lost somewhat over the previous week. Last week they would get 6.5 percent, this week 4.8 percent of votes.

SMC has 4.3 percent support and together with DeSUS, which holds 4.2 percent, has beat Levica for the first time this week. The latter slid to sixth place with 4.1 percent, and is followed by Nova Slovenia with 3.6 percent, the SNS party with 3.4 percent, the party of Alenka Bratušek with three percent and the Slovenian People's Party with two percent. The share of undecided people is still the largest, as many as 22.8 percent.

Support among those who intend to vote
Among those participants who plan to take part in the elections, SDS has the largest support, i.e. 20%. Almost half less support would go to Marjan Šarec and his party, a good 11 percent. Social Democrats are in third place. Other parties that are expected to receive than one percent of votes are the Good State, the Pirate Party, the parties of journalist Bojan Požar and Andrej Čuš with the Green Party of Slovenia, the Slovenian People's Party, the National Party and Alenka Bratušek's party.