This year at the final Miss World Pageant Slovenia will be represented by Julija Bizjak from Lesce.The crown was handed over to Bizjak by the last year's Miss Slovenia, Maja Cotič. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Sandi Fišer
This year at the final Miss World Pageant Slovenia will be represented by Julija Bizjak from Lesce.The crown was handed over to Bizjak by the last year's Miss Slovenia, Maja Cotič. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Sandi Fišer

175 cm tall brunette won, besides the title of the most beautiful at the Miss Slovenia Beauty Contest for the Miss World 2014 Pageant, also the Miss Personality title. This title is awarded by the organizers to the contestant who made the most effort and showed the most eagerness, but she was chosen as their favourite also by the other contestants, her competitors for this year's title of the most beautiful in Slovenia.
The first runner-up became Anja Mihelič, the second runner-up Anja Kragelj, while Pia Livk, Sanela Jolić, Sanja Bencuz, Špela Sojer, Urša Erman, Alja Kovać, Anja Jenko, Urška Štokelj, Kaja Vrbnjak and Marisa Višnić were also competing for the prestigious title.
Each of the 14 finalists wrote the names of the most and of the least suitable candidate for the title, and Julija's name was among the favourites of the competitors. What was the opinion of the other participants of the fair Julia? "Julija is a very nice girl, always willing to help and give an advice. She really made an effort at all the aspects of the competition, and I believe she deserved to win. I don't begrudge her this victory, and am very happy for her," Katja Mihelčič was pleased. "Julija is a great girl, positive, always smiling, she was always putting us in a good mood, and I can speak only good of her," Anja Jenko praised her rival.
Mulej and Osypenko satisfied with the result
"I noticed her smile immediately, she has a twinkle in it, it is very pleasant and sincere. I am happy with the result," Iris Mulej didn't hide her satisfaction. She was a member of the expert jury, while in 2002 she had won the crown of the fairest. "She radiated positive energy, a kind of charisma, her walk was beautiful, it was a pleasure to watch her. I liked the fact that she became Miss Personality – it means the organizers were impressed by her, and the other girls as well," Irina Osypenko Nemec described the new Miss Slovenia.
Sulking is not acceptable
Mulej, working in the fashion world for years now, advises the young winner to be always kind and welcoming, and to remain as she is now. She emphasized the fact that a number of people from the fashion world is always present at the Miss World Pageants, and that it is a great opportunity for networking which can be of great help in building a career. "I have often noticed that some of the girls who had not been chosen for the next round at a large competition simply packed their things and went home. But that would be a great mistake. Even if a girl doesn't win, there is still a possibility that somebody likes her, and might offer her a job. Therefore they should stay till the end, meet people, let them take photos, and engage in conversation," is her advice.
The contestants came on stage three times: in casual wear, in swimsuits, and in evening wear. The host of the event was Jerneja P. Zhembrovskyy, while Matjaž Zupan, Rock'n'band, Julija Kramar, Brigita Šuler and other guests made the programme even more interesting.
To London as a student
The newly crowned Miss entered the fashion world in 2005, when her mother enrolled her into a fashion agency. With their help she tried her hand in shooting for commercial advertising, series, and fashion shows.
She comes from the Gorenjska region, from Lesce. Last year she finished Economic Grammar School in Radovljica, and in October she will start her study of biopsychology at the Faculty of mathematics, natural sciences, and information technologies in Koper. On December 14 she will represent Slovenia at the World Beauty Pageant in London.