Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo
Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo

In an interview for TV Slovenija, PM Cerar said the government was trying not to obstruct the country's economic growth. Among the government's adopted measures he did point out the continuation of the active employment policy, even though it was 'quite difficult' to find the money for it.

PM Cerar also emphasized that one of the main pillars of the government is to enable the functioning of a legal state. He reminded everyone that many foreign investors also consider the functioning of the legal state before making an investment decision. He added that Slovenia has 22 projects in plan in the framework of the so-called Juncker package. Many of the projects will involve investments in the country's infrastructure.

The list of 15 state companies to be privatized will no longer change, even though PM Cerar is of the opinion that the list was not carefully put together. However, he added that we have to respect our commitments. If not Slovenia could face lawsuits and compensation demands. In the worst case in might also lose its credibility. Meanwhile a new strategy for managing state assets is in the making.

A. Č., MMC;
translated by K. J.