Now she skis more than before And should she stop competing, she would remain connected to skiing Foto: STA
Now she skis more than before And should she stop competing, she would remain connected to skiing Foto: STA

But should she decide to return, she would probably not compete in all the disciplines. "It is rather difficult to switch immediately to normal life after such a long career. I still haven't decided whether to continue with competitive skiing or not. I do miss skiing, I miss curves, competiveness – but I don't miss the poles," said the best Slovenian athlete.

To her, slalom and giant slalom equal running into poles
Maze exchanges skis with a microphone. "I feel great in this new role, I am comfortable. I consider St. Moritz where I will work this year for Eurosport at the World Cup finals a new challenge. While competing I had to concentrate on myself, while this new role brings relief – I am looking for stories, and concentrate on other people. If I decide to stop competing I can continue in this direction. I like to talk about the things I know, therefore I think it is sensible to stay in the sport I live, and experience, and share this knowledge with people through TV screens.."

Next year St. Moritz will host the World Championship. "I am still undecided whether to continue competing, or to end my career. I can't see myself any more in certain things. Especially slalom and giant slalom – to me they resemble a race through obstacles in the form of poles, which are stopping you while you hurry towards the finish... It really bothers me. I can imagine myself in downhill and in super g, but of course for that you need to train giant slalom. That is my discipline, and should I return I see no option to perform in all the disciplines as I did in the last years."

When asked about her study at the Maribor Faculty of Education, she answered: "My thesis is going into the right direction. It needs three more uninterrupted weeks of work without other obligations, but I I have quite a lot of those... I would like to finish by April. I asked my mentors to set a deadline for my diploma, but they said I should set one myself. That's more difficult, I always prefer fixed deadlines."

Now she skis more than before
And should she stop competing, she would remain connected to skiing. "I wish to develop new materials with Stöckli, and act as a training sparring partner of a skier. Which means I must stay fit, which makes it easier to return into the competitive rhythm. I am training under close supervision by Andrea Massi, and can also share my impressions with the competitors and other people working on development of the equipment. Now I ski more than ever, but without the restriction of poles. My curves demand prime physical condition, therefore I work in a gym; my body also needs thorough warming up. I have no wish to get an injury after I stopped competing – just as I was never injured before. But my knees quite hurt lately, as they have less muscle mass than before."

M. L.
Translated by G. K.