There were 118.099 registered unemployed people in March, which is 3,6 percent less than in February and 6,8 percent less than March last year. Foto: BoBo
There were 118.099 registered unemployed people in March, which is 3,6 percent less than in February and 6,8 percent less than March last year. Foto: BoBo

There were 118.099 registered unemployed people in March, which is 3,6 percent less than in February and 6,8 percent less than March last year. According to the Statistical Office there were 4.450 registered unemployed people less than in February, and 8.630 less than March last year.

Unemployment figures in March rose on a monthly rate only in the Zasavje statistical region, and that by 0,1 percent to 15,7 percent. All other statistical regions recorded a drop in unemployment figures. The biggest drop was recorded in the Pomurje statistical region by 1,3 percent. However with an unemployment rate of 19,5 percent, it is still the highest in Slovenia. The smallest drop was recorded in the Goriška statistical region, and that by 0,2 percent to 10,8 percent.

Compared to February the active working population in March increased by 5.110 people i.e. by 0,6 percent to 802.466 people. Compared to March last year that's a 1,9 percent increase. The number of employed rose by 4.595 i.e. by 0,7 percent to 708.189 people.

A. Č.; translated by K. J.