This will not be the first EMA appearance for Clemens, as he already performed at the 2015 contest with a song called “Mava to”. Foto: Janez Marolt
This will not be the first EMA appearance for Clemens, as he already performed at the 2015 contest with a song called “Mava to”. Foto: Janez Marolt

Clemens is a successful musician who is also into stage acting, directing, and also does voice dubbing for cartoons and TV series. Two years ago he took part in the EMA song contest with a song called "Mava to". In 2015 it was the fourth most played song on Val 202.

"RTV Slovenija’s invitation to perform at the EMA 2017 was a big surprise for me and I was more than happy to accept the invitation. It will be an honour to perform in this year’s song contest for Slovenia’s Eurovision entry. I do believe that this year’s EMA will be something really special. I think most important will be to have a good time with the other musicians and put on a great show. I believe you will also enjoy it," said Clemens.

Sa. J.; translated by K. J.