Evgen Bavčar sees the Europe of the future as an association of nations which have equal rights, respect each other and know their own cultures. Foto: BoBo
Evgen Bavčar sees the Europe of the future as an association of nations which have equal rights, respect each other and know their own cultures. Foto: BoBo

The desert of the global world, as the laureate expressed himself, is in his opinion extremely dangerous, "as we must keep creating oasis". He claims that France is doing it as well, and therefore Slovenia needs to "strengthen the awareness of its face, in spite of being one of the faces of Europe".
We should not forget about the deceased
He believes we should achieve that by expressing who we are, of being aware of the number of tragedies which took place on our territory in order for us to survive. "We are responsible for those dead Slovenians which had not been able to fulfil their lives." The history can form a basis for reconciliation, although neither side can be denied, the blind photographer and philosopher claims.
It is impossible to fully understand the present moment
He sees the Europe of the future as an association of nations which have equal rights, respect each other and know their own cultures, as "Europe with common foundations and with common creative imagination". He also warnes about the "truth pointed out by a number of philosophers" - namely that our presence at the actual moment is always somewhat marked by the darkness, as we can't see into the future, yet we are able to look back. In his opinion, during the 25 years Slovenia was able to draw attention by numerous European actions, but it is possible to overcome stereotypes from the past. He believes Slovenia should highlight the outstanding points of history and people who opened new paths. He sees no reasons for pessimism should we remain united. However we should stop fighting each other in the name of others. "We can choose to be active," Bavčar believes.
The highest French distinction –“Knight of the Legion of Honour”
At the celebration of the French national holiday Bavčar will be also awarded the distinction Knight of the Legion of Honour, which will be awarded to him by the French Ambassador in Slovenia Pierre-Francois Mourier as an acknowledgment for his contribution to art photography, and his personal endeavours at strengthening relations between France and Slovenia.