Developments in the Slovenian capital market this year marked the beginning of privatization in particular Ljubljana Airport and the Telekom Slovenia, which pushed up stock prices. Foto: BoBo
Developments in the Slovenian capital market this year marked the beginning of privatization in particular Ljubljana Airport and the Telekom Slovenia, which pushed up stock prices. Foto: BoBo

Developments in the Slovenian capital market this year marked the beginning of privatization in particular Ljubljana Airport and the Telekom Slovenia, which pushed up stock prices. On the other hand, the market is characterized by developments in the bond market, says financial expert Matthew Tomažin.

In the coming year interest on bank deposits will be progressively reduced. This will force savers who have money in the bank into thinking where to more profitably invest. One possibility is that the surplus is loaded into the companies that were doing well and have a good dividend policy, which means moving savings to the stock market. Even the foreign capital market this year is closing very well. Western stock exchanges are at their highest levels, but new challenges are expected.