In 12 days, Nataša Pirc Musar is scheduled to begin her term as the new head of RTV Slovenia.  However, things have hit a snag. Pirc Musar has said she will fight with all means available to her. Foto: BoBo
In 12 days, Nataša Pirc Musar is scheduled to begin her term as the new head of RTV Slovenia. However, things have hit a snag. Pirc Musar has said she will fight with all means available to her. Foto: BoBo

However, things have hit a snag as the programming council says it intends to vote again after realizing that one of its members was ineligible to vote, but did so anyway. Pirc Musar has said she will fight with all means available to her.

The decision for a re-vote needs to be confirmed by a parliamentary commission. According to internal rules, no member of the programming council can vote if they have been a member of a political party council less than five years ago. One of its members served on the party council of Zares but voted anyway.