The biggest Slovenian trade union confederation Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia revealed the main union expectations for 2016. Foto: BoBo
The biggest Slovenian trade union confederation Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia revealed the main union expectations for 2016. Foto: BoBo

The biggest Slovenian trade union confederation Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia revealed the main union expectations for 2016. Andreja Poje, Executive Secretary for Economics at ZZZS, explained that in this year she wishes for a tax relief for workers, and consequently higher net salaries. She said that the Slovenian workers are among those with the heaviest tax burden in the European Union (7th place), and the situation is the same regarding consumption tax (8th place).

On the other hand the rate of tax on profits is among the lowest in the EU. "Capital owners are privileged, and are very loud, as they wish to keep the same position in future as well," Poje warned and added that employers quite often have double standards. They compare manager salaries to Western European manager salaries, and salaries of workers with those in the Eastern European EU members.

The Executive Secretary for Economics believes that the Ministry of Finance could introduce another personal income tax bracket, e.g. between 24 and 41%. The neighbouring Austria for example has 7 tax groups. Abatements should be checked as well, as they have not been adjusted for three years.

ZSSS is also opposed to the introduction of the employer contribution cap, as it would cause loss of income to the social fund. Among their wishes for this year there are also new collective agreements, and amendments of the act on participation of workers in profit, so that it could come to life in practice, and workers would be entitled to a part of the company's profit, as in France.

Gregor Cerar Translated by G. K.