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On this day 12 November

11. 11. 2017In 1694, Francois-Marie Arouet, the French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher who was known by his nom de plume Voltaire, is born. He defended freedom, tolerance and justice.


On this day 6 November

31. 10. 2017In 1814, Antoine Joseph Sax, a Belgian maker of musical instruments who invented the saxophone is born. He invented it in 1840 and today it is an indispensable instrument in jazz.


On this day 3 November

31. 10. 2017In 1888, the most famous English serial killer Jack the Ripper kills his last victim. He chose his victims among prostitutes.


On this day 2 November

31. 10. 2017In 1755, daughter of Maria Theresa, Marie Antoinette is born. She became the queen of France. In 1793 she was executed at the guillotine.


On this day 26 October

22. 10. 2017In 1863, the Red Cross is founded. In Geneva, representatives from sixteen countries met and on the initiative of the Swiss gentleman Jean-Henri Dunant this charity organization was founded.


On this day 20 October

19. 10. 2017In 1740, after the death of Emperor Charles VI. his daughter Maria Theresa becomes the ruler of Austria. In 1882, actor Bela Lugosi, best known for the role of Count Dracula, is born.


On this day 4 October

2. 10. 2017In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar. Since then, every year has 365 days, and every fourth year is a leap year with 366 days. In 1858, the physicist Mihajlo Pupin is born.


On this day 20 September

30. 8. 2017In 1519, Fernando Magellan set sail from the port of Seville with five ships. He wanted to go round the world, which he managed with just one ship.


On this day 7 September

27. 8. 2017In 1533, in Greenwich, Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII is born to his second wife, Anne Boleyn. During her reign the foundations were laid for the future British Empire.


On this day 5 September

23. 8. 2017In 1600, Queen Elizabeth I. established the East India Company. This laid the foundations of the English colonial empire. In 1638, the French King Louis XIV is born.


On this day 24 August

9. 8. 2017In 79, Mount Vesuvius erupts and covers Pompeii with a 5 metre deep blanket of lava and ash. The city was only discovered accidentally 1592.


On this day 16 August

8. 8. 2017In 1858, the President of the United States James Buchanan sends the first telegram via a transatlantic telegraph cable to the British Queen Victoria.

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