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Rezultati iskanja
330 epizod
330 epizod
ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Slovene, and have a laugh while doing it. Premieres every weekday at 7:30 am, rebroadcasts at 3:45 pm … only on Radio Si. ******************************************************* SLO Mlada slovenka Fani je leto dni preživela na zelenem Irskem kot varuška otrok. Tam se zaljubi v hudomušnega barmana Davea in ga zvabi, da se z njo vrne/preseli v Maribor. A le kako v Sloveniji preživeti brez znanja slovenščine? Spoznavanje »preživetvene slovenščine« je za izjemno motiviranega Irca neverjeten izziv, za njegovo Fani pa občasno prava nočna mora. Dnevna doza slovenskega jezika za vse tujce, ki bi se želeli vsak dan naučiti nekaj novih slovenskih besed za vsakdanjik in se ob tem še nasmejati. Vsak delavnik premiera ob 7:30, ponovitev ob 15:45 … samo na Radiu Si.
What have we learned today: The best thing against the summer heat is to GO SWIMMING - PLAVATI. And if you aren’t lucky enough to live by the sea, you will have to find a SWIMMING POOL - BAZEN. But you usually can’t jump into the water there or the LIFEGUARD – REŠEVALEC IZ VODE might want to throw you out. Poor Dave learned an important lesson today. And it has nothing to do with JUMPING INTO THE POOL – SKAKATI V BAZEN. The lesson is to always wear SUNSCREEN – KREMA ZA SONČENJE. If not, you might get a SUNBURN – SONČNE OPEKLINE.
Today Dave mastered the art of ORDERING FOOD OUT – NAROČANJE DOSTAVE HRANE. He ordered a pizza margherita and a MIXED SALAD – MEŠANA SOLATA with PUMPKIN OIL – BUČNO OLJE and VINEGAR - KISS for Fani, and a pizza diavola or “pikantna pica” for himself. He paid the delivery man in cash, but he still has to learn something about giving a TIP - NAPITNINA in Slovenia.
Dave went to the HAIRDRESSER – FRIZER/FRIZERKA – at the „frizerski salon“. He just wanted a SHORT HAIRCUT - a KRATKA FRIZURA... But NOT TOO SHORT – NE PREVEČ KRATKO. He used to have a PONYTAIL – ČOP, DYED HAIR – POBARVANE LASJE, and even PLAITS – KITKE when he was younger... But those days are gone and now he's worried about being BALD – PLEŠAST. Let's just hope that Fani gets used to Dave's new hairstyle soon or he might have to wear a WIG - LASULJA at Špela's birthday party next week!
Dave loves Slovenian DIALECTS - NAREČJA, even though he sweats with them. He was PREPARED - PRIPRAVLJEN for the first student PARTY – ZABAVA. He learned new words: ROJSTNO MESTO - BIRTHPLACE, MUČITI SE – TO STRUGGLE, ENOSTAVNO - SIMPLE, POHITI - HURRY UP and NAPITNINA - TIP … the joy of every barman.
This was Dave's first camping experience in Slovenia. He learned some new words including ŠOTOR – TENT, KLINI – PEGS, KLADIVO – HAMMER, SPALNA VREČA – SLEEPING BAG, KONZERVA – CAN, ŽEPNI NOŽ – POCKET KNIFE. And remember, there's no such thing as BAD WEATHER – SLABO VREME, only BAD CLOTHING – SLABA OBLAČILA.
Today Dave learned a few useful words... and not just for when you're looking for the SUGAR – SLADKOR, or the BUTTER – MASLO. ON is NA, IN is V, UNDER is POD, BEHIND is ZA and IN FRONT OF YOU / ME is PRED TABO / MANO... And don't worry, there are no eyes in the EGGS - JAJCA... It's just JAJCA NA OKO - FRIED EGGS. Dober tek.. enjoy your meal!
The young man from Ireland has a really steely will. Even a CROSSWORD PUZZLE – KRIŽANKA is great for learning new Slovenian words: NA PRIMER - FOR EXAMPLE, PAMETNO - SMART, GLAVNO MESTO - CAPITAL CITY, UNIČITI - TO DESTROY, HROŠČ - BEETLE, NEMOGOČE – IMPOSSIBLE, NOR - CRAZY, OSEL - DONKEY, ČRKE - LETTERS, KRAŠKA JAMA - KARST CAVE… Everything is easy… with Fani's help.
Today Dave learned that "bograč" stew and other similar dishes are called 'NEKAJ NA ŽLICO' or 'SOMETHING ON A SPOON'... He had to SET THE TABLE - PRIPRAVITI MIZO, with a KROŽNIK - PLATE, VILICA - FORK. It's VILICE if we have many FORKS, NOŽ is a KNIFE, ŽLICA, of course, is a SPOON, and KOZAREC is a GLASS. KOZARCI are GLASSES... and his stomach won't rumble - 'trebušček ne bo krulil' - for much longer.
There's no real rule in naming countries or its citizens in Slovene. So it can be confusing and complicated! Not all, but most countries, end with either an »IJA« ending, like Slovenija - Slovenia, Nemčija – Germany, Italija – Italy, Grčija – Greece, Anglija – England... Or with a »KA« ending, like for example Hrvaška – Croatia, Madžarska – Hungary, Kitajska – China, Irska – Ireland, or Nizozemska – the Netherlands... But when it comes to nationalities and naming the men and women of each country, we advise the use of a DICTIONARY – a SLOVAR.
So Dave met Maribor's MOSQUITOS – KOMARJE today. While enjoying the ISTRIAN WINE – ISTRSKO VINO, which tastes DELICIOUS – OKUSNO, HE GOT BITTEN BY MOSQUITOS - SO GA POPIKALI KOMARJI… They are really WILD – DIVJI here BY THE DRAVA RIVER - OB REKI DRAVI. Well, he now at least he knows he’s NOT ALLERGIC – NI ALERGIČEN to wine, so he and Fani can enjoy it again tomorrow on the BALCONY – NA BALKONU, with MOSQUITO SPRAY – Z RAZPRŠILOM PROTI KOMARJEM, while watching the SUNSET – SONČNI ZAHOD.
Dave returns home after a nice day out FISHING or RIBARJENJE with his friends at the local FISH POND - RIBNIK. It was his first fishing experience in Slovenia and he found out he still hasn’t forgotten how to use a FISHING ROD - RIBIŠKA PALICA. And with the right BAIT - VABA and a perfectly set FLOATER - PLOVEC he caught a pretty CARP - KRAP into his FISHING NET - PODMETALKA. Well, about the size of the fish… you know how fishermen are, right…
Dave´s Slovene is improving; he was able to get things done without his Fani. He managed to call the CUSTOMER SERVICE - POMOČ UPORABNIKOM and he will now be able to pick up the SHIPMENT - POŠILJKA, more precisely the BRACELET – ZAPESTNICA, he bought for Fani at the PROVIDER'S STORE - POSLOVNICA in Maribor. That’s if he remembers to bring his ID and receipt with the ŠTEVILKA NAROČILA or ORDER NUMBER.
Luckily Dave has found the KEYS TO THE APARTMENT - KLJUČE OD STANOVANJA. It seems they weren’t in Fani´s PURSE - TORBICA, but that he left them in the car, so he didn’t have to drive all the way to Fani´s sister to get the SPARE KEYS - REZERVNE KLJUČE. Fani suggested that he put them on the KEYCHAIN - OBESEK of the car keys, so that this awkward situation would not happen again…
Dave’s right! Most weather adjectives in Slovenia do end with a “NO”. Today we mentioned SončNO – Sunny, OblačNO – Cloudy, DeževNO – Rainy, SnežNO – Snowy, MegleNo – Foggy, and NevihtNO – Stormy. We also have JasNO – Clear and VlažNO – Humid… So now, not only is Dave still a YOUNG MAN - MLADENIČ, now he can also strike a conversation about the weather, in Slovene…
Today Dave visited Ptuj for the first time although he didn't see much of the town. However, his friend Declan did teach him a few useful new words. GRAD - CASTLE, REKA - RIVER, JEZERO - LAKE, MOST - BRIDGE, CERKEV - CHURCH, KAPELA - CHAPEL, ZVON - BELL, and PAS - BELT. Dave also got a quick introduction to plurals in Slovenian. MOSTOVI - BRIDGES, ZVONOVI - BELLS, PASOVI - BELTS... and, while we're talking about plurals, if Dave and Declan order 'še ena runda', they're going to have to answer to Fani!
Today Dave visited Bled… and learned that LAKE is JEZERO and BOAT is ČOLN. He ROWED - je VESLAL, and took care for some ROMANCE – ROMANTIKA. Dave also learned STEPS are STOPNICE and on Bled Island there is 99 – DEVETINDEVETDESET of them. And the GROOM is ŽENIN, BRIDE is NEVESTA, SECRET is SKRIVNOST and HAPPY MARRIAGE is SREČEN ZAKON.
So, despite all the nonsense, Dave learned some new Slovenian words today… BIRDS are?PTIČKI, FRESH AIR is SVEŽ ZRAK and they really should go for a WALK – SPREHOD, MORE OFTEN – BOLJ POGOSTO. MORNING is JUTRO, TOILET is STRANIŠČE, RAIN is DEŽ and in Maribor, funny, they say “nea seri”, which means “ne govori”…
It's hard to convince our Dave to trust the star signs too much. But he learned new Slovene words: VERJETI means BELIEVE, ŠKORPIJON is SCORPIO, DEVICA – VIRGO but also VIRGIN, VODNAR – AQUARIUS, OVEN is ARIES, BIVŠI FANT means EX-BOYFRIEND, NEPRIČAKOVANO is UNEXPECTED, SODELAVCI are CO-WORKERS and GROZNO is TERRIBLE. And you? Have you already read the horoscope today?
What a day for Dave… He‘s becoming a real help for Fani in the apartment. From today he has some new friends: PRALNI STROJ – WASHING MACHINE and DRYER – SUŠILNI STROJ… He learned some important words: PRAZEN - EMPTY, BOMBAŽ - COTTON, OBČUTLJIVO - SENSITIVE, VOLNA - WOOL, POSTELJNINA - BEDDING, MEČKATI SE - WRINKLE, OČISTITI - TO CLEAN… And never apply MEHČALEC – SOFTENER in your dryer! :)
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