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Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

29. 6. 2019

V Bohinju so pripravili že 13. Mednarodni festival alpskega cvetja, s katerim se poklonijo tamkajšnjemu cvetličnemu bogastvu. Blejski vintgar je prva soteska v Sloveniji, ki so jo konec 19. stoletja uredili za turistični obisk. Biolog Miha Krofel je eden največjih poznavalcev velikih zveri pri nas. Umetniški opus slikarja Mateja Metlikoviča ima poudarjeno duhovno dimenzijo. Poljak Piotr Skrzypiec s svojimi fotografijami predstavlja lepote Slovenije, ki so ga povsem zasvojile. *** INTERNATIONAL WILD FLOWER FESTIVAL IN BOHINJ In the heart of the Julian Alps and Triglav National Park lies Bohinj, an oasis of peace and unspoiled nature. As this is a meeting point of the Alpine and Mediterranean worlds, the Bohinj area features an outstanding biotic and botanical diversity. In late spring, when nature is at its best and the meadows bloom, the people of Bohinj pay homage to their floral treasures with the International Festival of Wild Flowers. THE BLED VINTGAR GORGE In the Triglav National Park also lies the Bled Vintgar Gorge.The beautiful gorge was created by the Radovna, the Alpine river which forges its way across the valley through narrow crevasses. Bled Vintgar was the first gorge in Slovenia arranged for tourist visits at the end of the 19th century. BIOLOGIST MIHA KROFEL Slovenia is home to three large European beasts – the bear, the wolf and the lynx. While the population of bears and wolves is growing, the lynx is on the verge of extinction. One of the greatest experts on large beasts in Slovenia is biologist Miha Krofel, who also takes part in various international research projects in Africa and Asia. PAINTER MATEJ METLIKOVIČ the artistic oeuvre of painter Matej Metlikovič has a pronounced spiritual dimension. He paints on canvas, wood and paper, and also produces stained glass. He seeks inspiration in the great painters, as well as literature and music, to which he frequently resorts during his work in the studio. PHOTOGRAPHER PIOTR SKRZYPIEC In spite of its small size Slovenia is an extremely diverse country at the crossroads of the Alpine, Mediterranean, Pannonian and Dinaric worlds. Due to this diversity, it is also particularly interesting to photographers. Piotr Skrzypiec from Poland was so enthusiastic about Slovenia that he made it his home and now portrays its beautiful features in his photographs.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

15. 6. 2019

Marjan Pipenbaher je eden izmed najbolj priznanih evropskih projektantov mostov in drugih premostitvenih objektov. Šmartno v Goriških Brdih je arhitekturni biser te gričevnate pokrajine, ki jo mnogi primerjajo s Toskano. Jaka Ivančič je vse bolj priznan krajinski fotograf, njegov talent je prepoznal tudi National Geographic. Franc Kremžar iz okolice Komende pa je eden redkih lončarjev, ki še izdeluje tradicionalne posode. V osrčju vinorodnih Slovenskih goric sta zakonca Kolarič uredila čudovit zeliščni vrt. *** BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST MARJAN PIPENBAHER Marjan Pipenbaher is one of the most distinguished European specialists for the construction of long-span bridges and other engineering structures. He has made a name for himself in international circles primarily as a top-notch constructor of technologically demanding bridges. THE VILLAGE OF ŠMARTNO IN GORIŠKA BRDA Goriška Brda is a hilly landscape in the westernmost part of the country, right at the border with Italy. Due to its position close to the sea, Brda has a mild Mediterranean climate and is one of the most prestigious Slovenian wine and fruit growing regions. It is scattered with pretty little villages among which Šmartno stands out as a true architectural pearl. PHOTOGRAPHER JAKA IVANČIČ Jaka Ivančič is a renowned photographer whose talent has been recognised by the National Geographic, which acknowledged his winter photograph of Bled as the most beautiful landscape photograph of 2018. Ivančič has been captivating social media users with his outstanding landscape photography for a number of years. POTTER FRANC KREMŽAR Pottery has been one of the oldest and most widespread crafts in Slovenia, yet there is less and less interest in it. In the town of Komenda and the surrounding villages, there have always been a lot of active potters since the area abounds in rich high-quality clay deposits. Nowadays, Franc Kremžar is one of the few remaining craftsmen, who continue to produce traditional clayware. A HERBAL GARDEN IN SLOVENSKE KONJICE Slovenians are very enthusiastic about gardens and gardening. At Sveta Ana in the heart of Slovenske gorice, which is best known for winemaking, Mr and Mrs Kolarič have created a wonderful herbal garden with over 250 healing plants.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

1. 6. 2019

Biser kraškega podzemlja Škocjanske jame praznujejo letos 200. letnico obiskovanja. Čudež kraške narave je tudi presihajoče Cerkniško jezero. Breginjski kot je idiličen konec države, ki ga je za vselej spremenil potres pred dobrimi štirimi desetletji. Ilustratorko Vesno Benedetič navdihuje kraško podeželje, kjer živi. Samo Kreft proučuje zdravilne rastline, ki spet pridobivajo na veljavi. *** ŠKOCJAN CAVES Their unique underground canyon, spacious cave halls, opulent karst ornamentation, and abundant biodiversity make Škocjan caves a truly magical subterranean world. Since 1986, they have been included on UNESCO's list of world heritage sites. This year, the Škocjan caves are marking 200 years since the first entry in their book of visitors. LAKE CERKNICA The intermittent Lake Cerknica is another miracle of Karstic nature. Its ceaseless circle of disappearances and reappearances has always fascinated the imagination. Ample autumn rainfall causes underground waters to bubble to the surface and submerge the surrounding fields; in dry seasons the waters trickle back the way they came. This mysterious game of nature is accurately represented by a mechanical scale model in the local Jezerski hram museum. BREGINJSKI KOT In the very western reaches of Slovenia, right on the border with Italy, lies the valley of Breginjski kot. Thirteen settlements were dug into this hilly and mountainous world, traversed with river valleys. The Breginjski kot endured the sad fate of emigration, which was further exacerbated by the catastrophic earthquake of 1976. The earthquake forever altered the face of this remote though and idyllic part of the country. ILLUSTRATOR VESNA BENEDETIČ Vesna Benedetič is most known for her illustrations, though she also works in watercolours and graphic design. Her works are vibrant; she loves colour and contrast. Her creativity has been greatly influenced by the Karstic landscape, which has served as her home for the last decade. SAMO KREFT AND MEDICINAL PLANTS Plants have always been the main source of human medicine, but were – with a few exceptions – pushed beyond official medicine in the past century. However, their status is gaining ground again in recent times. Slovenian pharmacists, including Samo Kreft, have a few years ago discovered one of the strongest antioxidants in the world, namely an extract from the silver fir.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

4. 5. 2019

Škofja Loka je eno najlepših in najbolje ohranjenih srednjeveških mest na Slovenskem. Bogdan Kladnik je velik ljubitelj in zaščitnik narave, zato je pred desetletjem ustanovil organizacijo Guardians of the Earth, Varuhi zemlje, ki ima privržence tudi že na Kitajskem. V okviru projekta «Življenje traviščem« naj bi v vzhodni Sloveniji ohranili travnike, ko po so vsej Evropi močno ogroženo naravno okolje. Andreja Peklar je slikarka, ilustratorka in avtorica izvrstnih otroških slikanic. Slikar Tomislav Rene Čopi pa na Bovškem izdeluje poslikane panjske končnice, ki so izvirna slovenska posebnost. *** Slovenia has a rich heritage of historical city centres. Škofja Loka, founded by the Freising bishops in 973, is considered one of the most beautiful and best preserved medieval towns. Its inhabitants were known as good traders, craftsmen, carvers and artists, which is beautifully demonstrated by the adorned façades of the houses. Bogdan Kladnik, who has been won over by the beauty of nature from a very tender age, is sad to observe how our planet is increasingly being polluted and destroyed. With his photographs, books, and especially with the activities of the international association of nature lovers, known as the Guardians of the Earth, whose founder he is, Bogdan Kladnik wants to raise awareness and teach people how to protect nature, as this means protecting our very own existence. Grasslands are one of the most endangered natural environments throughout the world, Slovenia included. In 2015, the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation began restoring dry grasslands as part of its Life to Grasslands project, which will run until 2020. Andreja Peklar is a painter, an illustrator and an author of children's picture books. Her illustrations also adorn textbooks and magazines for children and the younger generation. She is an acclaimed artist, and the winner of many prestigious national and international awards. Slovenes are a nation with a long beekeeping tradition, which has given way to some special features related to beekeeping. One of them are the painted beehive panels or panjske končnice, painted on the front panels of the hives. In the area of Bovec, their replicas are made by Tomislav Rene Čopi.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

20. 4. 2019

Pragozd Krokar je največji v Sloveniji in je vpisan tudi na Unescov seznam svetovne naravne dediščine. Dr. Uroš Ahčan je vrhunski plastični, rekonstrukcijski in ekstetski kirurg, ki premika meje tudi v svetovnem merilu. V edinem ohranjenem mariborskem gradu je danes Pokrajinski muzej. Stanka Golob je za svoj slikarski medij izbrala pesek. Kulinarika postaja pomemben del turistične ponudbe. *** KROKAR PRIMEVAL FOREST In the forest-covered Slovenia, there are as many as 14 primeval forests or their remains, covering a total of 540 hectares. The largest among them is Krokar Primeval Forest in Kočevsko, which has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Natural Site since 2017. DR UROŠ AHČAN Slovenia has a great number of outstanding doctors including experts that move boundaries by world measure. Among these is top expert, plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon, Dr Uroš Ahčan. MARIBOR MUSEUM Maribor, the second largest Slovenian city, grew on the banks of the Drava River, at the crossroads of Central European trade routes, and was first mentioned in written records in 1254. The city used to have three castles, of which only one remains preserved. Today, it is the seat of the Maribor Regional Museum. SAND PAINTINGS Painter Stanka Golob has chosen sand as the medium of her artistic expression. The technique of sand painting may seem simple and easy, but it requires a lot of preparation and precision, as corrections at a later stage of the process are not possible. She uses sand of different size and colour to give her paintings a spatial dimension. SLOVENIAN CUISINE In the tourist offer of a country, gastronomy holds an important place. This awareness has grown in Slovenia in the recent years, and the country has made great advances in the field of cuisine, becoming increasingly recognised in the world as a destination of outstanding culinary and wine experiences. This March, it hosted the European Food Summit and, in 2021, it will be the bearer of the title European Gastronomic Region.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

6. 4. 2019

Slovenija je dežela gozdov, zato razvija nova znanja glede zaščite lesa. Doktorica biomedicinskih znanosti Petra Draškovič Pelc je svoje poslanstvo našla v naravoslovni fotografiji in vodenju po naravi. Semenska banka Botaničnega vrta Univerze v Ljubljani skrbi za ohranjanje naše bogate biotske raznovrstnosti. Slikar Rudolf Španzel velja za enega najboljših slovenskih portretistov. Oddaja predstavlja še vrhunskega alpinista Aleša Česna. *** NEW KNOWLEDGE ABOUT WOOD PROTECTION Slovenia is a land of forests, which cover nearly 60% of its surface area, making wood a significant natural resource. Therefore, it is of no great surprise that Slovenia’s research within the fields of wood and forestry places third in Europe. The Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana conducts testing of native species of wood and attempts to prolong their lifespan. NATURE PHOTOGRAPHER PETRA DRAŠKOVIČ PELC A few years ago, Petra Draškovič Pelc, a doctor of biomedical science, decided to quit working as a scientific researcher and dedicate herself entirely to nature. She found her calling in natural photography and guiding nature tours, particularly in the wild and mysterious forests of Kočevsko, where she lives today. PLANT SEED BANK The environment changes quickly. Man’s interference in nature plays a large part in this process. As a result of these changes, numerous plant species are endangered. Seed banks are in charge of preserving bio-diversity. Since the 1970s, this task has been very successfully addressed by the Seed Bank of the ‘University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana’, while the Botanic Gardens have been trading seeds with other botanic gardens since as early as 1889. PAINTER RUDI ŠPANZEL Painter Rudi Španzel is considered one of Slovenia’s best and most sought-after portrait artists. His works combine realism and thought provoking symbolism. He is particularly proud of one of his latest works, a triptych titled ‘The Dance of Life and Death’, which he dedicated to the victims of World War I. WORLD CLASS ALPINIST ALEŠ ČESEN They say that the apple does not fall far from the tree. This is certainly true regarding the family of renowned alpinist Tomo Česen, both of whose sons are also alpinists. Of the two, Aleš is particularly successful, having won the most prestigious international Piolet d'Or, or 'Golden Ice Axe’, award. Aleš earned his place in alpinist history again last year as part of a three-member Slovenian-English team, the first-ever to successfully climb Latok 1.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

23. 3. 2019

Inštitut Jožef Stefan, ki se ponaša tudi s svetovno pomembnimi dosežki, praznuje letos 70 let. Ptuj ima eno najlepše ohranjenih srednjeveških mestnih jeder in gradov. Mitja Ficko in Mojca Senegačnik sta oba slikarja, a vsak s svojo likovno poetiko. Na freskah v Frančiškanski cerkvi v Ljubljani so se zvrstili številni slikarski čopiči. ** THE JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE AND ITS ACHIEVEMENTS IN SCIENCE The Jožef Stefan Institute, the leading science and research institution in Slovenia, is celebrating its 70th anniversary. It is the largest and the only multidisciplinary institute in our country, whose achievements in science are directly linked to the well-being of all humanity. Today, we have a report for you on two of the Institute’s THE TOWN OF PTUJ Ptuj is considered the oldest town in Slovenia. The town takes pride in one of the most beautiful and best-preserved medieval city centres and castles. During carnival time, the town is full of life, especially due to the kurent, the most recognizable traditional Slovenian carnival figure. The kurent is also included on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. PAINTER MITJA FICKO Mitja Ficko belongs to the middle generation of Slovenian painters. He has an extensive creative oeuvre as well as a long list of exhibitions. He loves to paint and exhibit in Leipzig, Germany, to where he returns every year. Leipzig loves the figurative, imaginative painting style – like that of Mitja Ficko. THE FRESCOES IN THE FRANCISCAN CHURCH The Franciscan Church is one of the most visited churches in Ljubljana. The church is well adorned with frescoes, which were restored a few years ago. Since many paintbrushes had dabbled over it, there was a serious dilemma about what to preserve. The Early Baroque church was a representative of the “white baroque”, which means that it had no painted decorations for decades. PAINTER MOJCA SENEGAČNIK Painter Mojca Senegačnik lives and works in the middle of the picturesque Karst landscape. Her paintings are a sort of combination between painting and illustration. She expresses herself through several painting techniques, interestingly also with thread.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

9. 3. 2019

Slovenija ima bogato tradicijo orglarstva in izdelovanja orgel, še danes jih pri nas stoji skoraj 1100. Mestna hiša Ljubljane je eden izmed arhitekturnih biserov prestolnice. Industrijski oblikovalki Nina Mršnik in Nuša Jelenc iz odpadne plastike izdelujeta zanimivo pohištvo. Aleš Erman pa je izdelovalec unikatnih kitar. V oddaji predstavljamo še kraškega ovčarja, edino mednarodno priznano slovensko avtohtono pasmo psov. **** Slovenia has a rich history of organ pipe music and organ pipe making. What sets it apart from other countries is the intertwine between Central European and Mediterranean cultural influences, sometimes even in the same pipe organ. This is a unique Slovenian feature. The Ljubljana Town Hall is one of the architectural gems of the Slovenian capital. The Town Hall was built in late 15th century and got its current look in the early 1700s. Designers Nuša Jelenc and Nina Mršnik have developed a very interesting product, Toasted Furniture. They presented it at the exhibition in Ljubljana Museum of Architecture and Design. The basic material for their furniture is recycled, melted waste plastic, an innovative approach with a very important ecological dimension at the same time. The Pokljuka Plateau is the largest uninterrupted forest area within the Triglav National Park. Some of the trees growing in these extensive woods produce a top-quality resonant wood, which is used for musical instruments. The Pokljuka resonant wood, especially from firs which grow very slowly, is also used by Aleš Erman, a guitar maker. The Karst Shepherd is the only internationally recognised Slovenian indigenous dog breed. Karst shepherds were originally shepherd dogs for protecting herds from wolves. Their herding role was lost with the decline of small cattle breeding in the first half of the last century. They are now mainly family dogs. Nevertheless, they are gradually resuming their original role as shepherd dogs.

Slovenski magazin 2013 Sensorial Theatre in Slovenia, Senzorium

28. 2. 2019

Slovenski magazin je mozaična 25-minutna oddaja v nemškem in italijanskem jeziku, do leta 2021 pa tudi v angleškem. Predstavlja Slovenijo, zanimive aktualne dogodke, kulturne in zgodovinske znamenitosti dežele ter njene privlačne značilnosti. Opozarja na gospodarske dosežke in turistične zanimivosti, posebno pozornost pa namenja različnim področjem bogate izvirne slovenske ustvarjalnosti. Oddaja Slovenski magazin je na sporedu vsak drugi torek ob 17.30 na prvem programu Televizije Slovenija. Nemško različico oddaje predvajajo na 3SAT vsako drugo sredo, italijansko pa na programu Koper Capodistria. ** Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in German and Italian. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Tuesday at 17.30. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday. *** Das Slowenien Magazin ist eine mosaikartige Sendung über Slowenien, seine Leute, Bräuche und Traditionen sowie über die Schönheiten der Landschaft. Sie informiert sowohl über das kulturelle und geschichtliche Erbe als auch über das wirtschaftliche und touristische Potenzial des Landes. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird auch der Förderung original slowenischer Kreativität gewidmet. Die Sendung richtet sich sowohl an die ausländische Öffentlichkeit als auch an Slowenen, die im Ausland leben. Die Sendung wird jeden zweiten Dienstag um 17.30 im ersten Programm des slowenischen Fernsehens ausgestrahlt, wobei sich die deutsche und englische Version, beide slowenisch untertitelt, abwechseln. TV Slovenija ist die einzige Fernsehanstalt außerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raumes mit einem festen Sendetermin auf 3sat. Die italienische Version der Sendung läuft auf TV Koper-Capodistria. **** Slovenia Magazine è una trasmissione mosaico di 25 minuti che la TVSLO preparara in due versioni linguistiche - tedesca e inglese, con finalità di informazione rivolta all'estero. TV Koper Capodistria la trasmette in lingua italiana. La trasmissione presenta il patrimonio storico e culturale della Slovenia, le bellezze e le specificità del suo paesaggio, l'originale creatività slovena, gli artisti interessanti e i risultati raggiunti in economia, ecologia, scienza e tecnologia. TVSLO 1 trasmette il programma ogni quattordici giorni, il martedì alle ore 17.30. TV Koper Capodistria trasmette la versione in italiano ogni secondo mercoledì alle 20.00. La versione in lingua tedesca va in onda da 3sat ogni secondo mercoledì.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

23. 2. 2019

Planota Komna, nad Bohinjskim jezerom v Triglavskem narodnem parku, je pozimi je zelo priljubljena med turnimi smučarji. Hiša morja Izolana pripoveduje zgodbe, ki jih je spisalo morje, predvsem pa o ribištvu kot glavni gospodarski dejavnosti v Izoli. Katja Felle je konceptualno dovršena in drzna mlada vizualna umetnica. Glavna tema njenega ustvarjanja so motnje v komunikaciji. Kostumografka, scenografka in vsestranska gledališka, predvsem pa lutkovna ustvarjalka Barbara Stupica posebno pozornost namenja izbiri in kombinaciji, tudi odsluženih, materialov. Pred dvema desetletjema so rudnik Mežica zaprli, opuščeni rovi pa zdaj ponujajo zanimiva adrenalinska doživetja. ** Komna is an extensive plateau above Lake Bohinj and part of the Triglav National Park. In the winter, it is extremely popular with off-piste skiers. The Dom na Komni mountain hut is open all year round and is one of the most visited mountain huts in the Slovenian mountains. Izola is an old fishing town on the Slovenian coast. It was once an island, which is still testified by its name. Today, the Izolana museum, also known as the House of the Sea, reveals the stories of the sea, particularly fishing, which used to be amongst the leading economic activities there. Katja Felle is a young visual artist and a painter, who continues her MA studies on the Kunst im Kontext programme at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin. She is one of the most recognized, conceptually accomplished and daring young artists. The main motif of her creations is communication disruptions. Barbara Stupica is a costume and set designer, as well as an all-round theatre artist, but most of all, she is a puppeteer. She loves to work with cast-off materials. She has received numerous awards and prizes for her work. Under Peca Mountain in the eastern part of the Karavanke Mountains in the north of the country, miners extracted lead and zinc ore for more than 300 years, producing several thousand kilometres of tunnels that extend over 64 square kilometres. Two decades ago, the Mežica mine was closed and the abandoned tunnels now offer interesting adrenaline experiences.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

9. 2. 2019

Pravi biser dolenjskega krasa je Županova jama v bližini Grosuplja, ki jo je leta 1926 odkril takratni župan, po katerem je tudi dobila ime. Matej Vranič se ukvarja s studijsko, pokrajinsko in portretno fotografijo ter z video produkcijo. Najraje fotografira naravo, predvsem prosto živeče živali. Kipar Vojc Sodnikar Ponis se je preizkušal v različnih materialih, vendar je prepričan, da mu kamen daje največ izraznih možnosti. Brane Vižintin je eden največjih slovenskih mojstrov lutkovne umetnosti: je lutkovni animator, igralec, režiser in tudi univerzitetni predavatelj. Mesto Tržič, ki velja za eno izmed zibelk športnega smučanja v Sloveniji, se zdaj ponaša še s smučarskim muzejem.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

26. 1. 2019

Minoritski samostan v Piranu že sedem stoletij opravlja svoje duhovno in kulturno poslanstvo. Andrej Štremfelj je prvi alpinist na svetu, ki ima zlati cepin tako za življenjsko delo kot tudi za posamični vzpon. Matej Mihailovski pa velja za enega najboljših slovenskih jamskih potapljačev. Ilustratorka Eva Mlinar ustvarja samosvoje kolažne ilustracije. Gorjuške pipe slovijo po svoji dekorativnosti, izvirnih oblikah in bogatem okrasju.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

12. 1. 2019

Grad v Slovenski Bistrici skriva zanimivo kulturno dediščino kraja. Slikarka in restavratorka Mira Ličen odslikava živahno sredozemsko pokrajino, v kateri živi, nekdanja baletna plesalka Valentina Turcu pa je zdaj mednarodno priznana koreografinja. Kovaški mojster Jože Krmelj edini v Sloveniji izdeluje damaščansko jeklo. Kostanj ni le pomemben del slovenske tradicije ampak tudi nepogrešljiv del jesensko-zimskega utripa mest.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

14. 12. 2018

Sevniški grad je z obnovo postal središče kulturnega dogajanja v mestu. Slikar Domen Slana ustvarja tudi druge izjemne umetnine, med njimi čudovite stole. Lectarska delavnica v Radovljici se ponaša z 250-letno tradicijo. Janko Samsa je vrhunski izdelovalec pomanjšanih replik naše tehniške dediščine, predvsem vozov, Brigita Herjavec pa oblikuje unikatno kermiko.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

30. 11. 2018

Ostanki rimske Celeie v Celju so edinstveno arheološko najdišče v Sloveniji. Slikar Rok Zelenko se oplaja v mediteranskem okolju Istre, kjer živi. Stane Krajnc je vrhunski konstruktor in izdelovalec padal ter pionir basejumpa v Sloveniji. Stara Pleterska cerkev se ponaša z izjemnimi usmerjevalci akustike, tako imenovanimi štimancami. V Podbrezju na Gorenjskem so oživili izdelavo izvirne podbreške potice.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

16. 11. 2018

V samostanu Kostanjevica nad Novo Gorico je poslednje počivališče zadnjega francoskega kralja Karla X. Burbonskega. Lončar Igor Bahor slovi po izdelavi zelo natančnih replik arheoloških najdb. Po starem, tradicionalnem postopku sušijo tudi sadje v vasici Gradež pri Velikih Laščah. Jesenski Kras navdušuje z barvito naravo in kulinaričnimi dobrotami, Slovenska Istra pa oživlja starodavno pastirsko igro pandolo.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

2. 11. 2018

Grad Kostel je s prenovo in rekonstrukcijo spet dobil nekaj nekdanje podobe. Ilustrator Marjan Manček je izjemen pripovedovalec zgodb s pretanjenim smislom za humor. Dolina Topla pod južnim ostenjem Pece je ena najslikovitejših gorskih dolin v Sloveniji. Oddaja predstavlja še gledališče kamišibaj In vrhunska akrobata F&B Acrobatics, ki premikata meje možnega.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

19. 10. 2018

Grad Rajhenburg pri Brestanici je danes lepo obnovljen in namenjen muzejski dejavnosti. Biolog Miha Krofel je eden največjih poznavalcev velikih zveri v Sloveniji, Matevž Lenarčič pa se ukvarja s številnimi dejavnostmi – je pilot, jadralni padalec, alpinist, fotograf in okoljevarstvenik. Oddaja predstavlja še muzej baroka v Šmarju pri Jelšah in haloško hišo, v kateri je slikar Aleksander Brezlan imenitno spojil staro in novo.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

5. 10. 2018

V tokratni oddaji Slovenski magazin: - kartuzija Pleterje, edina še delujoča na slovenskih tleh - Dnevi narodnih noš v Kamniku, največji etnološki festival pri nas - 110 let Donata, z magnezijem najbogatejše mineralne vode na svetu - portret slikarja Tomaža Perka - in glamping ob Bloškem jezeru

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

21. 9. 2018

V tokratni oddaji bomo obiskali visokogorsko planoto Kriški podi in vasico Svečina z znamenito cesto v obliki srca med vinogradi ter predstavili dediščino deblakov na Slovenskem, kiparko Sabo Skaberne in biologa Tomija Trilarja, ki posebej zavzeto ustvarja slovenski arhiv živalskih zvokov.

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