Emeline je bila četrti otrok nekdanjega ameriškega smučarja. Foto: Reuters
Emeline je bila četrti otrok nekdanjega ameriškega smučarja. Foto: Reuters

Millerjeva, ki sta se poročila leta 2013, sta se novega družinskega člana razveselila v petek. To je njun tretji skupni otrok, Bode pa ima iz prejšnjih razmerij še dva. Novico o nosečnosti sta zakonca delila, ko je bila Morgan v tretjem mesecu nosečnosti. Dva meseca kasneje je Emeline (Emmy) umrla, ko je padla v sosedov bazen na jugu Kalifornije. Emeline je bila v bazenu približno 30 sekund, preden je k njej odhitela Morgan. Kljub zdravniški pomoči je naslednji dan umrla.

Po smrti 19-mesečne hčerke sta zakonca Miller poskušala osmisliti svoje življenje z ozaveščanjem staršev, kako preprečiti utopitve malčkov. Posebni pečat je na oba pustila zgodba triletnega Levija Hughesa, ki se je utopil na isti dan, kot je umrla njuna hčerka. "Vsak korak, ki ga narediva naprej, je zate in za Levija," je zapisala Morgan na svojem profilu Instagram in nadaljevala: "Tvoj pečat bo večen na tem svetu." In prav po Leviju sta poimenovala svojega novorojenega sina.

Bode in Morgan sta se poročila leta 2012 – leta 2015 se jima je rodil sin Nash, leto dni pozneje pa Emmy. Bode ima še dva otroka iz prejšnjih zvez – leta 2008 rojeno Dacey in leta 2013 rojenega Nata. Zadnji je bil plod bežne zveze z nekdanjo manekenko, gasilko in marinko, zanj pa se je bíl oster boj za skrbništvo.

Tragedije v življenju nekdanjega smučarja
Millerju družinske tragedije niso neznanka – leta 2013 je umrl njegov mlajši brat Chelone. 29-letni deskar je umrl zaradi epileptičnega napada, posledico motoristične nesreče iz leta 2005, zaradi katere je bil več dni v komi.

Na olimpijske igre v Sočiju leta 2014 bi morala brata skupaj, zato je Bode takrat osvojeni bron v solzah posvetil prav Chelonu.

Leta 2007 pa je Bode izgubil 24-letnega bratranca Lika Kenneyja, ki je v spopadu s policistom tega ubil, nato pa je Kenneyja ustrelil mimoidoči.

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“How are you?” I am asked this often. I know people mean well, but how do I answer? Do I say what I feel like people want, which is “I’m okay.” Do I share the truth? That part of my soul died with Levi? How do I even articulate this grief? I am a mother who has lost her child. I am a mother who will never see her son on this Earth, again. I am a mother who witnessed a silent killer snatch her baby’s childhood and future away in moments. . I knew this grief journey would be emotionally exhausting, that the sadness would weigh on me, that my heart would ache. I even expected physical exhaustion; how can I go to sleep, when every morning, I must wake to the realization that there are still only 2 when there should be 3? Yet, the most difficult part is the MENTAL exhaustion. Just 15 days after losing Levi, I shared this on FB: “I have to remember. It is physical, like I’m actually losing oxygen myself. I remember it in a flash, like when a character in a movie sees his life flash before his eyes right before death. It’s a reel, a split second reel of images: seeing Levi, in his crab hunting shirt, at the bottom of the pool/ me sprinting down the stairs, screaming / our friends around him, desperate / the sounds of the helicopter / the hospital / telling the girls. Except then the flashing scenes end, and unlike the character in the movie, I am still alive. But, my son is not.” And this is still it. Levi’s death was tragic. He slipped away so quickly that I didn’t even know he was missing. There was no goodbye, no preparation. I feel as if I am physically carrying my broken heart. Grief is heavier than I imagined; all of my concentration is required to hold onto this broken heart. I cannot let it go, because now my every heartbeat is in conjunction with this grief, intertwined forever, as long I as draw breath. And, only in losing one can I ever lose the other. This burden of grief, this actual broken heart, is heavy, cumbersome, painful, constant. There is never a reprieve from this pain; yet, somehow I am constantly startled that this is MY story. Grief is a relentless, ruthless cycle of remembering. #levislegacy #drowningprevention #thisisgrief #childloss

A post shared by nicolehughes8 (@nicolehughes8) on Oct 4, 2018 at 9:09pm PDT