Photo: BoBo Foto:
Photo: BoBo Foto:

Due to the attack, work in the night shift came to a standstill, as all computers were locked and displayed a notification about the attack in Croatian language as well as a ransom demand. In total, 8 cyber-attacks occurred in Slovenia this week. Production at Revoz is still stopped.

To re-activate the computes, Revoz is supposed to deposit payment in bitcoins worth 300 dollars. If ransom is not paid in the first three days, the demanded sum doubles and after seven days the files get destroyed and deleted, reports Radio Slovenija. The attack took place soon after 10 p.m., when the night shift starts at Revoz. Workers waited all night if it would be possible to continue working but nothing could be done. Saturday’s morning shift was also cancelled. Hacking attacks had also occurred in a few other Renault’s factories in France, reports correspondent Jože Žura.
The spread of the ransomware virus, which has also affected Slovenia, has now been blocked, explains Gorazd Božič, head of SI-CERT - the Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team, adding that all Windows users are advised to update their computers immediately.

G. K., MMC; translated by K. Z.