
In Slovenia 118 candidates on 16 lists are vying for eight seats in the 751-strong European Parliament. 1.716.373 voters have until 19.00 to cast their ballots.
Data on turnout figures will be given by the National Electoral Commission three times; the last time will be approximately one hour after the polling stations close at 19.00.

In numerous countries, also in Slovenia, exit polls will be presented immediately after polling stations close. The first official results will be only being known about 23.00, when the last polling stations in the EU close in Italy. Shortly after that the Europe Parliament will release the first EU-wide results, translated in the number of seats in Parliament.

In this year's election 400 million Europeans have the right to cast their vote, 40 million will be voting for the first time. More than 16.000 candidates are competing for a seat in Brussels – among them the oldest candidate is a 92 year old man from Greece.

H.P., RSi