It is estimated that approximately 1,000 people with the HIV virus live in Slovenia, but a third of them do not know they are infected. Foto: EPA
It is estimated that approximately 1,000 people with the HIV virus live in Slovenia, but a third of them do not know they are infected. Foto: EPA

It is estimated that approximately 1,000 people with the HIV virus live in Slovenia, but a third of them do not know they are infected. 32 new cases were discovered this year, 18 of them in a late stage, two already had the AIDS disease, when it is too late for treatment.

Slovenia is very successful in treating AIDS; the virus is not detectable, patients are no longer infectious, they do not endanger their family, friends, healthcare professionals. But our weak point is recognising the infection, as the rate of testing is very low. Testing can be done at a clinic, it can also be done by NGOs and family GPs.

Chemsex, which increases risky sexual behaviour, is very much present in Slovenia. The Ljubljana clinic for infectious diseases invites people most at risk to join their new programme, which includes access to medicines before their exposure to risky behaviour.