The amount of the increase for almost 34,000 recipients of the minimum wage will be known no later than the last day of January, because the wages paid out in February will already be higher. Foto: BoBo
The amount of the increase for almost 34,000 recipients of the minimum wage will be known no later than the last day of January, because the wages paid out in February will already be higher. Foto: BoBo

Currently, the minimum net monthly wage is 613 euros, while the minister's proposal would raise it to 638 euros. If the proposal is approved, more than 33,000 employees who currently received the minimum wage would get a raise. In addition to inflation, Kopač Mrak also considered the economic trends of the past few years and the forecasts for economic growth to continue.

Meanwhile, labor unions are convinced that the minimum wage should be increased by five to six percent. According to Lidija Jerkič of the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia, the minimum wage is not the main problem. Instead, they would like to see the pay grade scale changed to ensure "fair wages for fair work."

The amount of the increase for almost 34,000 recipients of the minimum wage will be known no later than the last day of January, because the wages paid out in February will already be higher.