From a man with no interest in recreational sports, in just three years Dušan Globočnik has turned into a respectable recreational runner. Photo: The organizers Foto:
From a man with no interest in recreational sports, in just three years Dušan Globočnik has turned into a respectable recreational runner. Photo: The organizers Foto:

Victorious in the 1st Bodifit run up to the Old Castle above Kamnik (200 meter elevation difference) was 39-year-old Dušan Globočnik. It took him 18 minutes and 52 seconds to complete the inventively designed running course to the top (around Velika Špica, 3,800 meters long in total). "It was a very nice course. This home victory means a lot to me. When I saw the starting list I did hope to win and I succeeded," said the runner from Zagorica pri Rovah.

Globočnik has been running for only three years now, but managed to beat runners who have been mountain running for a very long time. Taking into account the fact that he was never into any recreational activities before, his ascent to the top is meteoric. "I started running when I wanted to lose weight. I had 103 kg ... I was making quick progress, running took over me and in two months I lost 10 kg. My friends told me I was a completely different person. They asked me what was wrong and if I had fallen ill. But I felt better and better, and I realized that running helps me."

Dušan Globočnik is mostly in search of ascent running challenges. "Flat runs don't really suit me. The steeper it is the better. I practice around four times a week, and my favourite runs are on Velika Planina, Kamniški Vrh or Kamniško Sedlo. For my first competition I chose the 24-hour Sveti Primož run. I was full of blisters that first year. The next year was better, and last year I set a record as I reached the top 25 times."

Dušan does not lack new goals. He is preparing for the Grintovec Mountain Race, which will take place in July. Grintovec, with an elevation of almost 2,000 meters above sea level, is considered an immense trial of endurance and will.