On the night before Friday and Friday morning temperatures in most of Slovenia will fall below the freezing point. The lowest temperatures, between -6 and -1 degrees Celsius, will be recorded in wind-sheltered areas. Photo: Slovenian Environment Agency Foto:
On the night before Friday and Friday morning temperatures in most of Slovenia will fall below the freezing point. The lowest temperatures, between -6 and -1 degrees Celsius, will be recorded in wind-sheltered areas. Photo: Slovenian Environment Agency Foto:

Experts advise protection against frost. The most simple and cheapest way is using garden fabric covers. An alternative is spraying your plants with amino acids. Beekeepers are also in fear ahead of the announced drop in temperature, as a frost similar to last year’s could once again wipe out the entire acacia pasture for their bees.

According to forecasts Friday morning will be the coldest. Lower critical temperatures are expected in the whole of Slovenia, except in the coastal region. A temperature of mines three degrees Celsius, in clear weather and no wind, can cause great economic damage in just one day. "It seems that we’ll have a similar situation like last year, when we had problems with spring frost at the end of April," explains Andreja Sušnik from ARSO. The problem is that the below zero temperatures will last for more than just several hours, which will increase the danger of damage to fruit trees, vines or garden crops. "And it looks like Saturday will not bring any improvement, as temperatures then will still be negative," adds Sušnik.

Jernejka Drolec, Radio Slovenija; translated by K. J.