Positive reactions from abroad pleased the governing coalition. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Televizija Slovenija
Positive reactions from abroad pleased the governing coalition. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Televizija Slovenija
The common objective of the government is social, and economically successful Slovenia, claims the Prime Minister, and it will remain so in future as well. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Televizija Slovenija
After the budget was passed, Brussels assessed Slovenia actions as efficient. Foto: Reuters

At the joint press conference of the governing coalition Bratušek started by expressing thanks to the MPs for their support, and to her ministerial team and the presidents of the parties for finding compromises and good solutions for Slovenia, in spite of the differences in their party programmes.

She emphasized that during their short mandate they did everything that could be done. "We prepared a realistic amendment of the budget for 2013, and good and realistic budgets for 2014 and 2015, everything necessary for rehabilitation of the banking system, assured the money for payment of all the state liabilities, we are dealing with grey economy and tax evaders at full speed," claimed the prime minister.

"The government will continue introducing well considered measures for long-term solutions"
She is convinced that today's report from Brussels confirms that her government has done good work. They reacted to the passed budget proposal for Slovenia with encouragement, as the European Commission assessed that this year the state actions were efficient in abolishing a substantial deficit.

"But all the measures that we are taking are for our own sake, and not because of the demands by Europe, or Angela Merkel, as it is often voiced – absolutely and only in our own interest. We would like Slovenia to become once again the state it once was, for us and for our children," said the prime minister, who believes that the citizens of Slovenia should soon feel the positive effects of their work.

Virant: "We can be moderately optimistic "
The president of SD party Igor Lukšič agrees that the first important stage is now completed, and believes that »Slovenia, in a manner of speaking, closed ranks and stabilized the situation," which he considers as most important, and in his opinion reactions from abroad confirm it.

The president of the Civic List Gregor Virant added that "eight difficult, hard and laborious months are behind them", and he is positive that "this government has started restoring order in all fields". He mentioned the banks, the public finances, grey economy, and setting right the legal mistakes from the past.

He is also satisfied with the EC positive assessment, but he warns that at the moment there is no reason for "great joy and opening bottles of champagne, as we are still facing very hard work ". He believes we can be "moderately optimistic", as he expects the economic growth not later than in 2015, and predicts it would be "a turnabout moment, at which the times will start improving for Slovenia".

The president of the Pensioners' Party Karl Erjavec in future hopes for definition of markets which would offer business opportunities for Slovenia, and take it to the path of economic growth. "Without economic growth we won't be able to assure prosperity," he said.

He predicts, however, that the government is facing some difficult decisions, e.g. the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Act, privatisation, and discussion on Slovenia's economic vision.

Opposition response to EC assessment
The opposition reacted to the Brussels assessment that the Slovenian budget for 2014 complied with the rules.

For SDS such a "polite answer" was expected. They expect the time will show the biggest problem – the budget deficit. In NSi they believe that from the budget documents for 2014 and 2015 no radical measures for economic recovery can be detected. SLS, Slovenian People's Party warn that it is not enough to just write down a deficit under 3 percent, but it has to be realized as well – and they wonder if that is possible »considering the unrealistic plans«.