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At today's meeting in Ljubljana the foreign ministers of Slovenia and Croatia highlighted the good relations between the two countries.
The Archbishop and Metropolitan of Ljubljana Stanislav Zore and the Bishop of the Evangelist Church Geza Filo in their Easter Missives wished to all believers blessed Easter holidays.
NKBM representatives claim that the restructuring plan has been successfully implemented both within the bank and within the group.
Slobodan Milošević si nove srbske države ni zamislil kot etnično čiste, to je bila Karadžićeva in Mladićeva ideja, pravi avtor dokumentarnega filma Skrivni načrti Radovana Karadžića Valentin Areh.
A jury of experts had sent ManuElla and Raiven into the superfinals of Ema 2016, the Slovenian national selection, on Saturday evening. The final decision was made through tele voting.
Slovenian president Borut Pahor has suggested that the government and the national assembly determine the number of migrants for whom Slovenia can still ensure treatment in humane conditions.
The EU interior ministers have not find a solution for the refugee crises, but they agreed with reinforcing of control at the external border.
The countries on the so-called Balkan route will introduce unified ID cards for refugees.
Novo mesto-based car manufacturer Revoz ramped up revenue by 25 percent and production by 10 percent in 2015. The final figures have not yet been released.
V gospodarstvu so zadovoljni, da je, sicer z zamudo, končno objavljen prvi razpis na osnovi Strategije pametne specializacije, vreden 67 milijonov evrov, od tega bo dobrih 53 milijonov prispeval ...
Tajvanci so na volitvah jasno izrazili svoje nestrinjanje z idejo ene Kitajske, pravi Saša Istenič z Oddelka za azijske študije na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, ki je na nedavnih volitvah ...
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