After the amended bill on marriage was adopted, equalizing the rights of the same-sex and opposite-sex couples, the It's about Children! coalition started collecting signatures for a legislative referendum on the amended bill. Foto: BoBo
After the amended bill on marriage was adopted, equalizing the rights of the same-sex and opposite-sex couples, the It's about Children! coalition started collecting signatures for a legislative referendum on the amended bill. Foto: BoBo

After the amended bill on marriage was adopted, equalizing the rights of the same-sex and opposite-sex couples, the It's about Children! coalition started collecting signatures for a legislative referendum on the amended bill. The National Assembly stopped the process of collecting signatures for the referendum, as it determined that the referendum would address the law which according to the Constitution must not be subjected to referendum decisions.

It's about children! coalition filed a complaint to Constitutional Court. They believe that the amended bill on marriage is not an act abolishing the unconstitutionality regarding human rights. The coalition claims that the unconstitutionality regarding inheritance rights for same-sex couples does not refer to the previously mentioned bill.

Therefore the It's about Children! coalition claims that the unconstitutionality can be solved by changing the inheritance legislation, or by introducing a low on registration of same-sex partnership. Aleš Primc, the coalition representative, has already said that marriage between husband and wife has never been specified as unconstitutional,

The part of the amended bill on marriage is equalising marriage regardless of the gender. The part which the It's about Children! coatition finds most disturbing is the right to adopt; they claim that at adopting children the rights of children should be a priority, and not the rights of adults.

L. L.
Translated by G. K.