The government is convinced that, with development and technology offering so many opportunities in contemporary society, people with special needs should not be excluded. Foto: BoBo
The government is convinced that, with development and technology offering so many opportunities in contemporary society, people with special needs should not be excluded. Foto: BoBo

Labour minister Anja Kopač Mrak has signed contracts with 14 employment rehabilitation providers. The decrease in the number of unemployed disabled persons is encouraging. "Over 33,000 had jobs in October this year. In one year, the number in employment has increased by 3,000. They are employed in ordinary work environments, in companies specifically for the disabled, in employment centres," says the minister.

Employment centres employ disabled people who find it most difficult to gain employment, there are 620 of them. Jure found a job at the employment centre Grunt in Komenda. "I have a mental disorder, schizophrenia, and it helps me a lot to be outside with animals. We have a great time here," says Jure.

The government is convinced that, with development and technology offering so many opportunities in contemporary society, people with special needs should not be excluded.

"The greatest obstacles lie in incorrect perceptions,!" said Katrin Modic. After graduating in chemical technology, Modic started working as a young researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute, but her life was profoundly changed by illness: during her postgraduate studies she went blind as the result of a brain inflammation and she started using a wheelchair. Modic maintains that we should change incorrect perceptions which say that difference is something negative.