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Avtorji Bojana Rugelj

Pred kamero Luka Hren, kineziolog: Praksa med študijem je stopnička do zaposlitve


Odločitev Luke Hrena za študij na Fakulteti za šport je bila samoumevna, saj je pri Slovanu dolga leta igral košarko. Kineziologijo je izbral, ker v njej vidi prihodnost. Njegov nasvet študentom je kratek: Pomembna je praksa!

News in English The Left willing to talk, but expects a different coalition agreement


Following the announcement that the five parties gathered around the Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) will invite the Left to the coalition talks after the NSi had walked out, Luka Mesec, the coordinator of ...

News in English Lenarčič presents the results of his 20.000 km long journey across Asia


The team behind the Green Light World Flight mission plans to use the data collected during Matevž Lenarčič’s flight across Asia in an ultralight aircraft for scientific purposes and raising ...

News in English The post office in the Postojna Caves named one of the Seven Subterranean Wonders of the World


Inspired by the original Seven Wonders of the World, the editors of Architectural Digest have come up with a list of the Seven Subterranean Wonders of the World, and one of them is Slovenia’s own ...

News in English Open Kitchen returns: quality remains the driving force


The Open Kitchen culinary market is entering its fifth season. In addition to Ljubljana, where it’s coming to life today, the market will also pay visits to Celje, Koper, and Nova Gorica.

News in English After some morning stress, Ilka Štuhec is once again successful


Ilka Štuhec is continuing her series of excellent World Cup results even after the World Championships. She has now been joined by Maruša Ferk.

News in English Boštjan Kline celebrating his first win


Boštjan Kline is the latest addition to the list of Slovenian winners at World Cup skiing races. Six years after becoming the Junior World Champion, Kline won the downhill race in Kvitfjell.

Intervju Boris Koprivnikar: Kar 95 % javnih uslužbencev napreduje z najvišjima ocenama 4 in 5


Minister za javno upravo Boris Koprivnikar pravi, da z najvišjima ocenama 4 in 5 napreduje okoli 95 odstotkov javnih uslužbencev. Iz tega bi lahko sklepali, da imamo enega najboljših javnih sektorjev na svetu, kar pa ni res, opozarja Koprivnikar. 

News in English How is “Our Wonderful Food” better than “regular food”?


Slovenian food producers recently launched a campaign designed to promote Slovenian produce.

Kolumna So višje plače res vse, za kar se morajo boriti sindikati?


V zgodovini samostojne Slovenije je kar nekaj zvezdnih trenutkov sindikalnega gibanja. Recimo 26. november leta 2005, ko je po zasneženi Ljubljani za socialno državo protestiralo 40.000 ljudi.

News in English The lawsuit of the “erased” against Slovenia thrown out as baseless


The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg confirmed the appropriateness of the Slovenian compensation scheme for the “erased.” Earlier today, it rejected the appeal of 212 of the “erased,” ...

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