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Avtorji Vesna Danilovič Novak

On this day 9 April


In 1821 the French poet Charles Baudelaire is born in Paris. His best known collection of poems is The Flowers of Evil.

Coming up Na Kulturnem bazarju o izražanju in komunikaciji


Danes poteka v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani Kulturni bazar. V ospredju je kulturno – umetnostna vzgoja, ki je pomembna za razvoj mladih, da bodo znali komunicirati in se izražati na različne načine.

On this day 8 April


In 1692 in Piran, Italian composer and violinist Giuseppe Tartini is born. In addition to his work as a composer he was also a music theorist. In 1818 German scientist August Wilhelm Hofmann is born.

On this day 7 April


In 1348 the first University in Europe is established in Prague. In 1795 the 'metre' became a new official measurement unit. In 1827 English chemist John Walker invented wooden matches.

On this day 6 April


In 885 St. Method, brother of St. Cyril, dies. Together they invented the Glagolithic alphabet. In 648 BC the old Greeks first describe a solar eclipse.

On this day 5 April


In 1900 American actor Spencer Tracy is born. In 1908 Ruth Elizabeth 'Bette Davis' is born. She was an American actress of film, television and theater.

Coming up Sejma Megra in Green za bivanje z naravo


Gradbeni sejem Megra in zeleno obarvan sejem Green bosta od jutri do sobote potekala v Gornji Radgoni. Za obiskovalce pripravljajo vsebine, povezane z bivanjem z naravo.

On this day 4 April


In 186 the Roman Emperor, Mark Avrelius Antonius is born.

On this day 3 April


In 1783 in New York American storyteller, essayist and diplomat Washington Irving is born. He wrote historical works about New York and the biography of Christopher Columbus.

On this day 2 April


In 1725 Giacomo Casanova, Italian adventurer, writer and lover, is born. He was one of the most educated people of his time. In the autobiography he says that he spent one night with 122 women.

On this day 1 April


In 1713 the French ‘Sun’ King Louis XIV declared 1. April as the ‘Day of Fools and Liars'. In 1578 English surgeon and anatomist William Harvey is born.

On this day 31 March


In 1596 the French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes was born. He was the founder of modern philosophy. In 1727 mathematician Isaac Newton died in London.

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