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Avtorji Vesna Danilovič Novak

On this day 30 March


In 1746 Spanish painter Francisco Goya is born. He was one of the greatest masters of portrait. In 1842 physician Crawford Long first uses ether for anaesthesia in surgery.

Coming up 'Rogljički, napolitanke, jušne osnove'... Transmaščobnim kislinam so šteti dnevi


Transmaščobnim kislinam so šteti dnevi, saj bo kmalu začel veljati pravilnik, s katerim bo Slovenija omejila vsebnost teh kislin v živilih.

On this day 29 March


In 1874 the Slovene poet and general Rudolf Maister is born. He was the liberator of Maribor and fighter for Slovenian Koroška and Štajerska after the First World War.

On this day 28 March


In 1794 in Paris the famous Louvre museum is opened to the public. In 1809 the initiator of a new modern Paris Georges-Eugene Haussman is born.

On this day 27 March


In 1845 the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, who discovered the X-ray, is born. X-rays brought significant progress in the development of medicine.

On this day 26 March


In 1707 England and Scotland became one country. In 1827 in Vienna German composer Ludwig van Beethoven dies. He was almost completely deaf from the year 1818.

On this day 25 March


In 1881 Hungarian composer and pianist Bela Bartok, who was one of the main founders of contemporary music, is born. In 1908 the British movie director David Lean was born.

On this day 24 March


In 1835 in St Peter-Welzenegg near Klagenfurt, renowned Slovenian physicist Jožef Stefan is born. The leading research institute in Ljubljana is named after him.

On this day 23 March


In 1754 Slovenian mathematician Jurij Vega is born. He dealt with the computation of logarithms; he produced logarithmic tables that were used until the beginning of the computer era.

On this day 22 March


In 1749 Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German author, poet, playwright and philosopher, is born. His most important work is Faust. In 1924 the Slovene poet Ivan Minatti is born.

Coming up Kdo naj gre v gore, kdo pa naj raje ostane v dolini?


V rubriki Izluščeno se bomo tokrat sprehodili po planinskih poteh, se povzpeli na najvišje vrhove, preverili zakaj je dobro biti član planinskega društva in kako se naj obnašamo v hribih.

On this day 21 March


In 1685 the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach is born. He composed numerous concerts, oratorios and masses. In 1839 the Russian composer Modest Petrovič Musorgski is born.

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