Around 100 people gathered at the protest on Saturday morning, including some prominent politicians. Foto: BoBo
Around 100 people gathered at the protest on Saturday morning, including some prominent politicians. Foto: BoBo

According to Andrej Gnezda from ‘Plan B for Slovenia’ the global protest is aimed at all trade agreements that plan to implement a massive deregulation of legislation concerning environmental, consumers’ and workers’ rights. “It is by no means acceptable for these agreements to serve as a lever for corporations to write the legislation,” argued Gnezda passionately. “We strive towards a new economic model, continual development, while these agreements lead into a polar opposite direction,” warns the activist.

About a hundred protesters gathered at the Prešeren Square on Saturday morning, expressing their opposition to transatlantic trade agreements with signs such as “We don’t want to be an easy prey for corporate hyenas”, “We don’t want a country in the grip of corporations”, and “We don’t want to be a country of underground machinations”.

A. Č., MMC; translated by K. Z.